Tuesday, January 22, 2019

So I guess I'm here too.

I'm not sure how obvious it is but I started using the internet around 11 years old which is probably terrible. I've experienced so much and the internet itself has changed so much. Which is why it's so weird for me to have a feeling of deja vu with my current predicament now that Tumblr's more or less shot itself in the foot and scattered it's fanbase with no where to go, me included.

I vaguely feel like when I was about 15 or so and really getting into interaction online, forums, Tegaki E and even Deviantart. The only difference now is that I'm much gayer and it isn't as fun with such things being relics of the past, minus DA. Holy fuck it's still around.

So I guess that's why I made a blogspot, it'll be so much easier to share art and have a consistent (hopefully) place to post my details.

(Should I start using that old slang again? XD Rawr)

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